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+90 532 631 72 12When people have a vacation in hotels with all-inclusive system and enjoy the blue sea and sunshine, many of them start thinking of moving to a wonderful country, Turkey. Automatically questions arise: what to do? What to live on? How to find a job for a foreigner or to start my own business? Let's talk about it.
Let's start from the main issue: if you have purchased an apartment or entered into a long-term rental agreement and received a residence permit, this does not give you the right to work in Turkey. This only confirm you legal stay in this country. Official permission to work in Turkey can be obtained either with Turkish citizenship or a work visa (with insurance payments and taxes paid by employer). Moreover, some unscrupulous employers don't register a foreign person officially with all needed documents. If the employer violates these rules, then he pays a fine, and an employee is deported.
In resort towns, the main work is related to tourism (excursions, transfers, hotels and beaches) and real estate agencies. But it is good to pay attention that in resort areas, job may be seasonal.
Also, don't think that here you can earn a lot of money quickly and easily. First of all, you need to know Turkish language. Second of all, if you are a good specialist in your country, you need to prove it in Turkey. You need to demonstrate not only gained experience and knowledge, but also to confirm a diploma (sometimes you need to retake classes at a Turkish university for this). Therefore, when moving to another country, I advise you to have savings at least for a year.
Nevertheless, there are a number of professions (lawyer, notary, policeman, veterinarian, customs officer, pharmacist, and etc.) for which international people will never be hired, even if they obtained citizenship.
If you decide to become a tutor, nanny, cleaning lady, practice nails or eyelashes, you should know, this is also illegal for people who does not have Turkish citizenship. Anyone can call to the authorities of Turkey. Ac
If you decide to open you own business, then remember that working for yourself is not legal here. According to Turkish laws, when registering an individual enterprise, you must hire 5 Turkish citizens-employees. Often it is unprofitable.
So, before you break away from a place you have been living for years, carefully think over and in advance look for a future work place. You should conclude a contract with the employer for all the necessary documents for you own safety. Well, and of course, do not trust people you don't know, promising paradise life in a new place. Welcome to Turkey!